Welcome to... Your Perfect Home


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Article number: DWGBCGWT
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Roll and write games are big right now! People cannot get enough of them. Welcome To Your Perfect Home is technically not a roll and write, replacing the usual dice with a deck of cards. The game sets you the task of building a nice set of neighbourhoods on the provided pad.

There are various rules for how you do this but basically you will divide the cards into three equally decks then draw one card of the top of each deck. This will provide three pairs of cards as all the cards are double-sided. So, you will have a number between one and 15 on one side and a special power on the back. You choose one pair of cards (a deck and the card drawn from it) and must use the number, and may use the power attached.

These powers can help you divide your neighbourhoods into smaller sections, build gardens and pools, mitigate house numbers and so on. Numbers must be drawn on one of the houses in one of the three rows and they must go up in sequence from left to right. They don’t have to be consecutive but always in sequence.

Very quickly you will be faced with tough decisions, and if you ever cannot place a number you will risk taking negative points. Added to this trying to achieve three objectives which reward the first players to achieve them with more points and suddenly this light and airy draw and write game becomes a spacial challenge.

There is an included variant which adds in roundabouts for a greater challenge and the game plays at a good pace. There are also themed expansion packs which will add variety and you can potentially play a lot of people at once due to them only needing to know what the card options are and have access to a sheet.

Player Count: 1-100
Time: 25 Minutes
Age: 10+

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