Rainbow Card Game


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A challenging game employing strategic card play, keen memory, and foresight to assemble 6-
card Rainbow sets. Be cautious when choosing which cards to flip — one wrong move and your
opponent will "rain" supreme!
Players of all ages (7+) will find this game is super easy to learn. No need for tallying scores.
Simply create a set of six different cards and you have yourself a Rainbow. With fun elemental
symbols in all four corners of each card, even players who struggle with colours can play. But
beware: the game isn’t always straightforward. Flip a Cloud card (grey), and your opponent
snatches all the cards in the Rainbow lineup. The twist? The cards are double-sided, with
different colours on each side. Pay attention to your opponent’s moves—you might need to flip a
card later, and knowing what’s on the other side is crucial! Enjoy this delightful game time and
time again! Great for travel too!

Ages 7+ | 2 Players
Game Duration: 10-15 Minutes
Contents: 57 cards, Card Holder, Rules

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