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In Crazy Sherlock, you need to identify five clues related to the crime: the eye colour of the criminal, their height, their accessory, the location, and the time. The game includes 18 clue cards divided across these five categories, and to set up, place one card from each category to the side, then shuffle the remaining cards and deal them out as evenly as possible.

When the round begins, start a 15-second timer. Each player has this much time to review their cards, after which they pass them left, the timer starts again, then they can look at their new cards. They keep passing cards until someone grabs the announcement token, which stops the timer. This person announces their guess in each clue category, then looks at the set-aside cards. If correct, they receive a case token that reads 1; if they already have a case token, they win the game.

If they're wrong, they lose a case token (if they have one), then the round continues, with this person passing cards, but unable to guess. Continue to play until someone guesses correctly, or only one player remains, in which case they win automatically.

Ages 8+
3-5 Players 
20 minute play time

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